As part of his PhD research, Marcel Seger has submitted his first academic paper to be considered for the special issue of npj sustainable mobility and transport on ‘Increasing Transport Sustainability through the Integration Between Power Grids and Electric Mobility Systems’, titled ‘Charging ahead: Firm-level optimisation strategies for sustainable and cost-effective electric vehicle workplace charging’. The article assesses the impact of electric vehicle (EV) charging loads on businesses’ bespoke electricity consumption profile, subject to varying electrification rates of employees’ cars. To this end, three distinct charging strategies with respect to cost-, carbon- and peak load minimisation objectives are benchmarked against the case of convenience (uncontrolled) charging, based on real-world data from a large manufacturing firm in South-East England.
Marcel’s research contributes towards the growing body of literature on assessing the impact of digital technologies on climate change, particularly focusing on smart EV control mechanisms to empower organisational sustainability efforts towards reducing CO2 emissions. The paper is currently under peer-review. Access the pre-print here.

Figure 1: Modelling Framework (taken from Seger et al. (2024))